Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Photo Assignment: Waste Collection Systems in Cagliari

Me doing my due diligence by throwing away my waste in a small garbage receptacle on campus.  
A recyclable receptacle used for various bottles.
A cardboard receptacle next to a small mixed waste container.  Cardboard containers seem to alternate between large yellow and large brown.  Small brown, plastic containers are called out to be mixed on the container.
A blue waste receptacle used for various recyclables.
Two cardboard receptacles next to a mixed waste bin.
Another small garbage can located on capacity.
A vast array of garbage receptacles along the street.
A cardboard receptacle and a small mixed waste receptacle contained within a yellow outline.  
Another beautiful cardboard recyclable container.
A different angle of this wonderful cardboard recyclable container.  
A different type of garbage can on campus.
Another different type of garbage can on campus. 
A mixed waste container.
Three mixed waste containers, two large, one small, and a cardboard container located within a yellow boundary.
A label on one of the waste receptacles.  This label is for cans and glass.

A can for the organic waste collection.
A container for bottles.
Two waste receptacles, one for cardboard and one for mixed waste.
Two mixed waste receptacles.
A litany of waste containers in the main town square.  
A public garbage can.
The waste collection bins outside our guest housing.
The elusive garbage truck picking up our waste bins!
The garbage truck driving away.
Similar to the equipment we have in the USA.
The garbage truck doing its rounds at night.
Once the garbage truck leaves, this is where the paper portion of the waste will end up.
 The baled paper waste; some of it high quality and some of it mixed.
 A series of local waste receptacles near the final disposal sites (Paper facility, Compost, WTE Plant).
 The initial dump site of the organic fraction of the waste at the composting facility.
The final product of the composting process.
 One of the dump sites at the waste to energy facility.
The area of the waste to energy plant where the sludge waste from the waste waster treatment plant is located and treated.

All of the garbage receptacles that were listed above are collected by the garbage trucks pictured, and then go to the various treatment processes such as paper recycling, composting, or waste to energy.  The processes are listed in more detail in my previous blog.  

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